Bei vielen Infektionen sind Unterschiede zwischen Männern und Frauen beschrieben.
Diese können sowohl biologisch („Sex“) als auch psychosozial („Gender“) bedingt sein, wobei eine klare Trennung von Sex- und Gender-Unterschieden meist nicht möglich ist.
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1 Gender specific differences in the immune response to infection. McClelland EE and Smith JM, Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz) 2011; 59(3):203–13
2 Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis depending on the age and sex of source cases. Borgdorff MW et al., Am J Epidemiol 2001; 154(10):934–43
3 Sex and gender differences in travel-associated disease. Schlagenhauf P et al., Clin Infect Dis 2010; 50(6):826–32
4 Gender differences in the use of insecticide-treated nets after a universal free distribution campaign in Kano State, Nigeria: post-campaign survey results. Garley AE et al., Malar J 2013; 12:119
5 The influence of sex and gender on the immune response. Oertelt-Prigione S, Autoimmun Rev 2012; 11(6–7):A479–85
6 Gene. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Datenbank unter (aufgerufen am 17. August 2014)
7 MicroRNA, a new paradigm for understanding immunoregulation, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases. Dai R and Ahmed SA, Transl Res 2011; 157(4):163–79
8 The X chromosome in immune functions: when a chromosome makes the difference. Libert C, Dejager L and Pinheiro I, Nat Rev Immunol 2010; 10(8):594–604
9 The evolution of sex-biased genes and sex-biased gene expression. Ellegren H and Parsch J, Nat Rev Genet 2007; 8(9):689–98
10 The ground state of innate immune responsiveness is determined at the interface of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental influences. Huang E and Wells CA, J Immunol 2014; 193(1):13–9
11 Awareness of vaccination status and its predictors among working people in Switzerland. Lee CY et al., BMC Public Health 2003; 3:18